Thoracic neuritis is a painful condition caused by nerve inflammation. Thoracic neuritis strikes the thorax, which is the middle of the body or trunk. Thoracic neuritis may cause pain in the upper abdominal area, but also the back, neck, or area between the shoulders. Nerve inflammation in the thoracic spine may also cause a numb or tingly sensation. Other symptoms include a tight feeling around the abdomen or chest. Thoracic neuritis pain may spread throughout all of these areas, depending on the location of the nerve that is inflamed. Thoracic neuritis may be caused by an injury to nerves in the thorax, including a sprain or strain.
Most effective Thoracic Neuritis treatments reported by our members
No treatments have been listed
Most severe Thoracic Neuritis symptoms reported by our members
How severe?
Back Pain Radiating
Back Pain
Loss Of Stomach Musc