Abdominal pain is an uncomfortable sensation in the stomach area or the area above the groin. Abdominal pain may occur in one spot in the belly or across the whole belly. Abdominal pain is very common, and is often caused by some sort of infection or illness, digestive problems, bowel conditions or a food allergy or intolerance. Abdominal pain that is severe and sudden; accompanied by pain in the chest, shoulder or neck; occurs with bloody stools or vomit; or in someone undergoing cancer treatment requires immediate medical treatment. Drinking water and restricting food intake and avoiding medications that may aggravate the stomach (such as NSAIDs) can help manage minor abdominal pain.
Most effective Abdominal Pain treatments reported by our members
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Most severe Abdominal Pain symptoms reported by our members
How severe?
Lower Abdominal Pain
Dolore Addominali La
Defecazione Frequent